
Five Steps to Better Hearing

Is hearing loss affecting your relationships or quality of life? Do you find yourself avoiding social situations that you once found enjoyable — or isolating yourself from those you love — because hearing is a challenge? Do something about it by following these five simple steps to better hearing! Step 1: Test your hearing Confirm […]

How do I get started if I think a loved one has hearing loss?

Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the person who has it. It also affects spouses, family members and friends. Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or the voices of dependents could potentially put lives in danger. Even emotionally, the impact can resonate throughout family and social circles — from frustration with repeating things over and […]

Steps to Hearing Success

The following principles have been used by thousands of hearing aid wearers to successfully transition to better hearing health: 1. Awareness We may not know what we haven’t heard because we didn’t hear it! Many of us don’t recognize the insidious onset of age-related hearing loss because it is not a sudden phenomenon. Family members […]

Understanding Different Hearing Loss Tests

Whether at home or in a doctor’s office, there can be numerous tests that used to find out if you or a loved one are experiencing hearing loss. Here are a number of common tests that are used today to determine a person’s level of hearing loss. Self-Tests You Can Perform at Home Generally, these […]

How Treating Hearing Loss Impacts the Quality of Life

Hearing is a vital part of how we experience the world around us. All too often we take it for granted, focusing instead on the seemingly greater impact that vision provides. It is this attitude that prevents many people from seeking early treatment for hearing loss, not realizing how much it can improve their quality […]

Hearing Loss Stats You Shouldn’t Ignore

Many of these hearing loss stats may be surprising, but they illustrate just how common the condition is, and how important it is for many Americans to seek treatment. Factors closely tied to hearing loss Hearing loss may result from illness, genetic predisposition, head injury or noise exposure to name a few. One thing we […]

The Impact of Technology on treatment of Hearing loss

Modern technology is often expected to do wonders for the 360 million people worldwide affected by hearing difficulties. When we see what can be done with implantable devices for diseases such as diabetes, cataracts, and heart rhythm abnormalities it is not surprising that we hold the hearing industry and specialists to such high standards. Compared to some […]

What’s all this noise about Tinnitus?

According to the American Tinnitus Association, nearly 50 million Americans experience tinnitus.  Pronounced as “Tinn/EYE’/tus” or “TINN’/eh/tus, the symptom is a sensation experienced by people often as a result of some type of damage to the ears such as exposure to excessive noise.  It may also be the result of certain medications, or musculoskeletal issues […]

How Colder Weather Might Affect Your Hearing Aid

During the winter, the biggest threat to hearing aids is moisture. The problem with cold weather is that it often includes rapid changes in temperature to your device. If you’re outside, the drop in temperature might be extreme from that of a heated home or car. These rapid changes in temperature can produce condensation on […]

Why You Need to See a Hearing Specialist Instead of Self-Treating

Many people are tempted to look for a quick-fix self-treatment when a hearing problem is detected because they assume it isn’t a big deal. However, even small issues can worsen over time, so having your hearing checked by a professional is crucial to your long-term health. Take a comprehensive hearing test While there are now […]

Why Upgrade Your Hearing?

If you are aware that you are having difficulty hearing, it’s probably time for an upgrade.  Don’t let the word “Upgrade” be a cause for anxiety, there are simple things that can give your ability to communicate a boost. Simple Things: More Help The question is “Why Upgrade your hearing?” Hearing is the sense that […]

Hearing Loss in America – By the Numbers

Quick Statistics About Hearing Source Although hearing loss can be a frustrating experience for the affected person and loved ones, it’s important to know you’re not alone. Hearing loss is becoming more prevalent in the United States and all over the world. The good news is that the world is also becoming more accommodating, with […]

Livio Edge AI honored with Innovation Award

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the most prestigious and well-known trade show in consumer electronics. Each year, revolutionary technology is put on display for many different categories. The Starkey Livio Edge AI has been honored with the Innovation Award for Edge mode. This feature uses artificial intelligence to listen to the environment and […]

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